Being the leading Research and Development (R&D) organization in Bangladesh, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) is conducting R&D works according to the national demand and contributing to accelerating the economic vibrancy for more than 50 years. During this period BCSIR has expanded its domain to three full-fledged multi-disciplinary regional laboratories, and six mono-disciplinary institutes, to go with the flow, ICT is focusing on the Digitization of BCSIR Skill Development. Pridesys IT Limited is providing Apps to manage Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR) full management system analog to digital.


Problem and Challenge:


Analytical Service:


Innovation Gallery Display Center:


Other Services:


Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)




Web Application: 


            • The application which is web-based solution, hosted in a centralized Web-server.
            • The application developed following Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
            • Application support the MVC framework.
            • Considering the operating/client environment at a different level of this application, it developed in such a way so that it requires low bandwidth to run.
            • The web-based application is cross-browsers browser platforms (popular web-browsers such Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Internet Explorer. Safari etc.)
            • Ability to seamless integration with future module/components/applications.
            • Application is lightweight and rich client-side scripting.
            • UI is developed based on the analysis of UX.
            • Any web interface of this application is fully responsive.


Mobile Application:


          • Application should be lightweight and rich client-side scripting
          • UI should be developed based on the analysis of UX.
          • Any web interface of this application should be fully responsive 5.1.2 Mobile Application Requirements
          • The mobile application version of the system should be developed for Android.
          • Java Coding Language will be preferred.
          • The mobile app should have capability of displaying system notifications
          • Functionality for registration options for service recipients
          • App should enable compact view of services for service recipients.
          • App should compatible with most of the Smart phone and tab available in market.
          • There should be an option to auto synchronization with the central database with apps local based on the availability of the internet connectivity.







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Bangladesh Press Council

Case Management


Bangladesh Press Council

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Bangladesh Press Council


Ministry of Information




Development of Dynamic Website of Case Management System