The Dhaka WASA (Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority) is currently taking numerous initiatives to digitalize different services to make it more efficient available, relevant and persistent. Dhaka WASA intends to bring procurement and inventory department under ICT robotization coverage and ensure data accessibility for decision makers through integrated dashboard mechanism. This dynamic dashboard will be accumulated data from different types of information source. In this regard, procurement-1 of Dhaka WASA is attempting to overcome every one of the barriers and spread the e-services all through the under-coverage area. Already there is mentionable progress in ICT. However, the current position and status in examination with other government organization and the quick development of ICT, the involvement of ICT in DWASA activities ought to be expanded to ensure reliability and transparency into its service.

streaming line up the source of information as well as show into dynamic dashboard is required. Hence, among other ICT initiatives of Dhaka WASA, Integrated Supply Chain Management System of ERP is a unique step for one stop information service and MIS based checking device for item utilization investigation as well as life cycle observation and future procurement forecasting.



  1. No real time data collection from different types of data source or FMOs
  2. No integration facility to data exchange between existing applications
  3. No user wise dashboard for quick decision support
  4. No centralize application for centralize monitoring control system
  5. No provision to monitor an equipment’s life history
  6. No mechanism for Real time location wise Material tracking and current status
  7. No facility for Material reconciliation for future forecasting and procurement planning
  8. No provision to build up a custom report with custom column from different data source
  9. No option to export generated data into excel or pdf format
  10. No option to create a dashboard by dynamic query


  1. Lack of interdepartmental coordination in terms of central inventory management
  2. Non responsible data sharing techniques
  3. No automated process for data exchange
  4. No active committee for data exchange
  5. No prescribe or approved format for data sharing with internal as well as FMOs

Solution for Dhaka WASA:

The need for an integrated supply chain management system of ERP that will combine automation of procurement and inventory of Dhaka WASA. Location based FMOs are responsible for maintain their individual inventory for supply an equipment as an official need basis. FMOs are using individual application for maintain their records. On the other hand, head office of Dhaka WASA has a procurement department that responsible to purchase a goods or list of goods in accordance of departmental request and approval. In these scenarios, there is no bridge application or central application that can exchange information between FMOs and procurement department.


Upper management of Dhaka WASA is required to develop and implement a supply chain management system that will support as DSS for better planning, monitoring and management of current situation up to field level as well as for customized dynamic report generation. The to be developed and integration with existing one will be act as central decision support system of DWASA. This system integrates data, establish connection between different types of data source for data fetching, causal factors diagnosis and restoration decision making to assist decision makers during and further forecasting of a procurement.


The system will have four functional components like automated procurement process, existing data source management, integration between new and existing solutions, real time data availability into central system at the time of data entry into existing systems. This effective system for policy makers, planners, administrators, departmental head and other users to review current status and monitor and evaluate the performance and progress of procurement activities and to undertake necessary actions to accelerate them. It will also help to undertake necessary actions to minimize activity gaps and avoid overlaps and analysis of an item’s life history. Information will be presented visually by graphs, tables, maps and short narratives to support quick decision making by the upper management of Dhaka WASA.



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Development of Dynamic Website of Case Management System